A review by rowena_m_andrews
Driftwood by Marie Brennan


It took me a little while to get into Driftwood, but once I did I fell in love. The writing itself is beautiful, but it is the world-building (or perhaps more correctly world-breaking) where this book really stood out. The idea of this place where worlds come after their apocalypse, broken and merging, and breaking even more until they disappear is fascinating, and I would love to see more stories or even a longer novel set withing this concept, because there is something heart-breaking but intriguing about the idea. Driftwood itself is built up of shorter stories, offering different views of this world, all of them tantalizing in their own ways. I also really want to know more about Last, and while I enjoyed how most of what we know about him comes from the encounters with others and their viewpoints, it would be interesting to have something utterly centred on him and his point of view of the world(s) around him.