A review by leasey23
Marked by Kim Richardson


This book feels like the first draft of an idea. It's badly in need of a good editor and some serious thought. I bought it as a trilogy and managed to get through this book and one chapter of the second.

Some of the ideas are original and great - monkeys who operate the lifts and different levels of 'heaven' or whatever it's referred to - I really enjoy that. But the thing is, the tense moments become lost due to the fact there are no non-tense moments... there needs to be fluctuation between the missions they go on and the time they spend in heaven. I felt thoroughly underwhelmed because there was no climax - it was all the same note. I would've enjoyed some quirky exploration of the other levels, perhaps meeting some strange characters. Something to break up each mission. If I died and was transported to this place, I'd want to join the demons to be honest. The angels snap you up, tell you to fight for them with no reason as to why, send you on suicidal missions and just expect you to want to be there? And to top it all off you're surrounded by disgusting apes? I want to see angel children running around, a place that makes the protagonist happy to fight for them. Not some militant people who just expect it. The place is thoroughly unlikeable as a reader and makes it difficult to want to read on and involve myself in a world.

All in all it had the potential to be a great story but lacked the basic structure for an enjoyable book for me. There was also nothing a reader could relate to, no deep human emotion that allowed me to connect to the main character. Yes, she fancies this hot guy for some reason who seems to be a complete tool, but there's no sense of losing who she was when she died, no missing the human part of her. She wasn't phased enough by it. I'd read this again if it went through a serious edit though. It has potential to be great.