A review by bonitazivot
New Moon by Stephenie Meyer


I read this book in Dutch when I was about 15 years old and hated it. As a teen, being obsessed with Bella and Edward's relationship, I felt personally broken up with, and Bella's depression following the break-up left me in tears many times. I remember just being so disappointed in this book, after how beautiful I thought their romance was in Twilight. I felt betrayed, abandoned, nearly as depressed as Bella seemed to be. Back then I rated this book a 4/10.

Now, over 10 years later, I re-read the book in English. I was dreading having to get through this book again, knowing how much I disliked it the first time around but I must say, it exceeded my expectations. The book was definitely heavily melodramatic at times (say, 90% of the book) and Bella's behavior was so damn frustrating. The girl is barely 17, and although I get that brings up loads of teenage drama, I just wanted to shout at her: 'get a damn life, girl!' - Oh and I almost forgot to mention, she's about as manipulative as Edward, playing poor Jacob's heart just so she can feel closer to her ex-lover. 
Overall, I did find myself easily picking up this book and reading for hours on end. I'd rate it a 6/10 now!