A review by kindredbooks
May the Best Player Win by Kyla Zhao


May the Best Player Win by Kyla Zhao [Penguin Teen Canada #gifted]

The middle grade version of The Queen's Gambit - really, it's a story about females in the game of chess, which is usually dominated by males. In May the Best Player Win, May Li loves the game of chess and when she wins an award for being the top female player, there is a series of additional spotlight on her. While she should be celebrating this, she finds herself now at odds with her own teammates who question her skills - because of her gender. May wants to prove herself - even as the pressure continues to build as she fights other's preconceptions and also her own ability to handle the attention and expectations now placed on her. May the Best Player Win is a great middle grade read that will inspire young readers to not be limited by the expectations and stereotypes of one's gender.