A review by gabeisnotanangel
Paranormal America: Ghost Encounters, UFO Sightings, Bigfoot Hunts, and Other Curiosities in Religion and Culture by Frederick Carson Mencken, Joseph Baker, Christopher D. Bader


Lots of problems with this book which was dealing with some interesting data. First, categories: lumping various religious groups under headings like "Roman Catholic" or "Black Protestants" and then making claims about those groups is problematic when those groups often have varying practices, beliefs, etc. At one point the authors claim that the Roman Catholicism is going to grow and thus we will see a lessening of paranormal beliefs. Why? Because the Roman Catholics they interviewed didn't have many such beliefs. But they never talk about if these Catholics were white Americans because I bet if you asked Catholics from different countries than you'd likely find very different results. And since RC is going to grow through immigration it might behoove one to survey that group. Second, they never stopped to wonder how neat their categories might be, and when confronted with how people easily lived with say a belief in Bigfoot alongside being regular church goers at a conservative protestant church, they floundered. They did the same when claiming that the Puritans of the Salem Witch Trials lived in isolation from religious beliefs that challenged their own. Nevermind that this is totally false and that they were constantly defending doctrine against "heretics" the fact is that the Puritans themselves often practiced things that looked quite a bit like witchcraft. These mistakes could have been easily avoided with a bit of research. Third, the way they read their already problematic numbers was dull and overly conservative. There was one area that had a really interesting spike and they NEVER even acknowledged it. Sadly all this books does is try to tidy up paranormal beliefs even as it was clear just by reading their own data that things were a lot messier than they'd like to admit.