A review by haia_929
Perfect Couple by Jennifer Echols


This is a trimmed down version of my review, to view the full review visit The Book Ramble.

Brody and Harper have been voted "Perfect Couple That Never Was", but they don't see it. They're both confused about why people voted for them. Despite this, Harper has a major crush on Brody. He has many admirers though, and Harper has a boyfriend. The thing is, they kind of want to give it a shot. So they take a shot, and realize they may not be perfect, but maybe they're just right, and isn't that what's really perfect?

I liked this book, I'm sad because I didn't love this book. I remembered loving Biggest Flirts, but maybe I didn't love it either. I liked the characters, and the idea, but I found the plot kind of confusing and a little irritating sometimes. I think it was good, it's a nice palate cleanser, and I enjoyed reading it, but it's far from perfect.

I liked Harper. I thought that her backstory was interesting. Her parent's bitter ongoing divorce really had a big effect on her personality and made her this reserved person who cares what people think of her. It also meant she had anxiety. Brody also feels this intense pressure to be more but it's not something he can really just do. I liked these pieces of him, they made sense and they worked. A lot of other stuff that happened and pieces of them...didn't make sense. Things like their tryst on the beach and the raving jealousy and revenge attempts all seemed out of place. In fact they seemed exactly like Tia in the previous book. Which was not great, because everyone started to feel the same.

These inconsistencies kind of spin off from the plot inconsistencies. I'm a big fan of the Superlatives having an effect on the characters, I think it's really interesting. I also love the idea of two people who seem wrong for each other discovering how right they are. I feel like, maybe, the plot descriptions I read of this book didn't match the book though. It says they don't get along, I figured like arguing and discomfort (think Sawyer and Kaye) but it was more of a Tia-Will connection, with lots of flirting and not a whole lot of disagreements. The inconsistencies are mostly because the plot seems to run away with itself. Things get dramatic in the high-school-drama-that-makes-no-sense way.

The thing is, I still liked the book. I still found it cute, and sweet. It's so easy for me to point out the flaws because they're much easier to expand on. But honestly Brody and Harper are cute, they are a sweet couple, the book is adorable. I really liked it. If you like Kasie West, or other books by Jennifer Echols, this book is totally in the right vein.