A review by eren_reads
This Is Vegan Propaganda by Ed Winters



This is an important read on some of the key arguments of the vegan community and some of the key issues with the meat/dairy/egg industry. However, I feel like I can't rate this higher than a 3.5 as I already understand and was familiar with the arguments in the book and didn't find that the arguments had been added on by Ed Winters.

My least favourite section was the section on ethics. This was because of the issue laid out above, because I understand these arguments I didn't find it all too insightful to read about. Furthermore, when he was talking about the conditions on farms and slaughterhouses I found it upsetting and nothing more because I already knew what he was writing about.

However, I was informed about some things throughout this book. Such as the standard of RSPCA assured farms and the specific statistics behind the environmental impact of agriculture and aquaculture. 

All in all, I think this is an important book for the vegan-curious and vegans who feel they need to further inform themselves about key concerns in the vegan community. As I know a fair amount about this, this wasn't the book for me.