A review by tsukikomew
Pregnancy of Passion by Lucy Monroe


This review was posted at Tsuki’s Book Blog on August 12, 2013.

This was the first of the two I picked up. I was looking for something to read during a break at work and picked it up at the library book sale for 50 cents. It seems a bit pricey for the little Harlequins in comparison to the large mass markets but whatever. This was one of those books where you actually question whether or not the author meant to be funny/ridiculous. I want to say no but that's how it read.

The book followed Elisa who is working at a jewelry store and her ex-lover Salvatore. A year before the story started, Elisa had been sleeping with Salvatore and discovered she was pregnant. Upon telling Salvatore he claimed it wasn't his and they broke up. A week or two later she miscarried the baby and has been running ever since. When Elisa's boss takes on the sale of crown jewels, Salvatore shows up to act as her bodyguard. He's determined to win her back and what better way than to get her pregnant.

Okay seriously? He broke up with her, claiming the baby wasn't his and then she lost the baby. His reaction is let's make a baby? He just baffled me. Salvatore tried to explain it as a doctor recommending a second pregnancy because the doctor thought she might have had postpartum depression. I don't think a woman wants to get immediately pregnant after losing a child but...plot point. He also seemed to expect she would welcome him back with open arms after he basically called her a slut. He just...confused me.

Elisa hadn't grieved for the loss of her relationship or child so she had issues. She was lonely, cold, and just barely living. Once Salvatore entered her life again she started to live again. The whole rebuilding relationship acted as a way for her to deal with her loss. That was interesting. She was finally able to grieve as things began to progress. As a character she was a bit flat but the general plot made up for it.

This story was filled with misunderstandings. Salvatore thought Elisa's father had said she was a loose woman like her mother but really meant she was independent like her mother. Elisa thought Salvatore was going to marry her sister during the time they were sleeping together originally but he wasn't. Time and time again communication and assumptions ruined their relationship and unbelievably they continued to let them.

The whole time I read this, I was struck by the parody quality of it. Everything was so over the top I couldn't help but wonder if Ms. Monroe intended it to be funny. There are so many misunderstandings, extreme behaviors, and convenient plot points to be just a regular HP. They got locked in a jewel vault for crying out loud! How often does that happen?

I enjoyed the fun little ride a lot. Like I said before I was ready to take her off my list but these two convinced me to leave her on my HP author list. This one was enjoyable and perfect for a lunch break or afternoon at home. It was fun, flirty, and ridiculous. Those are always awesome in an HP.

3 Stars
Published by Harlequin
December 2006
192 Pages
Provided by--Me