A review by ahfeehan
Port Mortuary by Patricia Cornwell


I used to read the Scarpetta books as they came out (the audiobooks for commutes) and I realized I had taken a several year break, so I started up again with this one. What a disappointment! The narrative is confusing, all of the action happens off stage, Scarpetta sounds like she's on drugs. It's so frustrating to have Scarpetta and Benton talk at and over each other. The audiobook is especially confusing because half the time I don't know if she's speaking to Benton or thinking to herself. The series had been well established on the relationships she had with Benton, Lucy, and Marino. Every one of those relationships come across now as dishonest, tense, and unsatisfying. I have bought the next two audiobooks, I don't know whether to waste my time or not.