A review by edh
Feng Shui Modern by Cliff Tan


While Cliff Tan's TikTok account (@dearmodern) concentrates on quick fixes for both real and model spaces, his book fills in all the gaps that avid followers will want to know about the principles of feng shui. Starting from the very basics, he offers the reminder that while practicing feng shui in your spaces doesn't guarantee success, it never hurts to stack the deck in your favor - that having a well-designed, thought-out space to live and work in will definitely benefit you! With plenty of floor plans and illustrations, Tan demonstrates the dos and don't of designing for good energy flow, strength, and tranquillity. His writing is delightfully conversational, capturing the cheerful animation he's known for on TikTok, which will likely captivate a whole new fan base. Recommend Feng Shui Modern to those who are ready to make their environment match their ambitions!