A review by kristinamath
Ouija by Katharine Turner


This novel had a very juvenile writing style, but was very fast paced. I read it in two sittings, but could have read it straight through if it weren't for my hectic work schedule. It was a thrilling story with lots of paranormal danger throughout, but you never got attached to the characters to feel afraid for them.

Something that I have to appreciate about both the movie and the novel is the originality. In the horror genre I feel it is hard to find something that is not a remake, but Ouija was something new. It might not have been the best or scariest, but it was different.

Overall, I thought this novel was pretty good, but nothing that you should run out and get. I borrowed a copy from the library, and was happy to be able to return it. Don't take it too heavy, it was an enjoyable read and perfect for a read-a-thon! Don't watch the movie though.

Check out my review comparing and contrasting the novel to the film on my blog! http://theprincessgummybearreviews.blogspot.ca/2016/08/novel-vs-film-ouija.html