A review by momwithareadingproblem
Saven Denial by Siobhan Davis


I received an eARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

Saven: Denial
by Siobhan Davis is a novella that bridges the gap between [b:Saven Disclosure|25820846|Saven Disclosure (Saven #2)|Siobhan Davis|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1455875419s/25820846.jpg|45677893] and [b:Saven Defiance|25820867|Saven Defiance (Saven #3)|Siobhan Davis|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1442959869s/25820867.jpg|45677918] by answering some much needed questions about Sadie.

Please note that if you have not read [b:Saven Disclosure|25820846|Saven Disclosure (Saven #2)|Siobhan Davis|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1455875419s/25820846.jpg|45677893] there are minor spoilers ahead.

While Denial is short (just over 100 pages) it was nice to have some answers after the awful cliffhanger in Disclosure. There are answers….BIG answers in this novella so if you are a fan of the series it is a MUST read. For once Sadie is the center and only character from the rest of the series to appear in this book. It was a great change of pace to see Sadie independent of Logan, Haydn and Jared.

Sadie has not been my favorite character (I’m not gonna lie) but this novella took her to a new level for me. She’s by herself with someone she doesn’t know and who she believes is the enemy. She’s confronted with things from her past that are not pleasant and answer so many of her own questions about herself, her insecurities, and her family.

I’ll be honest that going into this book I had an idea of what was happening, but I loved how Siobhan Davis played it out. She is the master of foreshadowing and dramatic irony. We readers pick up on what is happening and we have to watch as poor Sadie catches up.

I really enjoyed the new characters brought into the story, two in particular. I really feel they add so much to the story and if I may say I might have jumped ships though Sadie hasn’t (no worries for you #TeamLogan girls). These two characters answer so many questions for Sadie and really change her outlook. I hope to see more of them going forward in the series.

World-building wise, this novella packs a big punch in 100+ pages! There are so many hints about the alien technology, the on-going war and what started it that I don’t know where to start. It was amazing to be able to finally connect so many dots and answer so many of the questions that have been lingering.

Overall I really enjoyed Sadie’s adventure in this novella. It answers a lot of questions while bringing up more. It adds tension to an already tense series plot. I can’t wait to see what Siobhan Davis has in store next for our Sadie!