A review by emmkayt
The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths by Mariana Mazzucato


Mazzucato argues that the role of the State in significant innovations has been masked by the veneration of free enterprise, and that the State has an important role in taking on risks of innovation that venture capitalists are too short-termist and impatient to tolerate. There needs to be a realignment of risk and reward so that when private companies benefit from State-generated innovation, the State is not left with empty coffers while the rewards go offshore. Interesting argument, and it was definitely worthwhile to be exposed to it. Great basis for conversation and thought. Note that the book is dry, dry, dry - filled with acronyms, jargon, commas between subjects and predicates, and a particularly annoying stylistic tic involving endless, gratuitous danger quotes. I was amused that someone from the London School of Economics gave a blurb for the back describing it as 'elegant' and 'entertaining.'