A review by charvi_not_just_fiction
Saved by the Page by J.D. Netto


4.5/5 stars

Saved by the Page is a masterpiece that will grab you with it's stories and then simply pull you in.

There are various short stories by different readers like all of us, which is what makes it so special. I didn't expect it but I was in tears at nearly every other story. And it wasn't just about the sad and emotional ones. I think it was the fact that these stories were written by people who are so passionate about books and who were literally and metaphorically saved by them, just like me.

Some of them are humorous, others simple with great advice and then my favourite- the ones that broke my heart and made me reach for my tissues. But no matter what their theme all the stories are raw and reach straight to your heart. This book only makes my love for reading grow(if that is even possible) and cling to them hard enough while smiling at the fact that these very books connect me to so many readers around the world, including the ones that wrote this book.

I am very grateful and extremely happy that this project exists, moreover I got a chance to review Saved By The Page and I just wish that every single person in the world could give it a read and understand the true value and meaning of books.