A review by oliash01
The Trouble with Physics by Lee Smolin


Though the exact contents of the theory disussed in the main chapters of the book lie outside of my understanding, I nevertheless find myself so interested in the discussion of the theory's place in the history of theoretical physics. Smolin sees string theory as a key point in the development of the theoretical physics, one which divides many people but also causes something that is the key to the book: The rejection of new science.

As someone looking to eventually go into the world of theoretical physics, the book acts as a precursor to that journey. It warns of many problems one may go on to face as they enter the academic world, especially the sciences. This discussion of the problems with embracing new science which the academic world seemed to have at the time of writing, made me very scared; scared of what I may be getting myself into. However, the final chapter brought it all together for me, the idea that despite the academic politics and the struggles one may face, there is nothing more to doing theoretical physics then to sit down, read, and, most importantly, think.