A review by keelreads
Twisted Love by Ana Huang


Twisted Love is ultimately the story of two deeply broken people, Ava and Alex. Ava has had to deal with the PTSD of a childhood trauma that had left her missing a large portion of her childhood memories but still lives life with an undying optimism and romanticized outlook on life. Alex, in his youth, witnessed something so horrific it hardened his heart and sent him on a war path.

Ava is too sweet and trusting, hence why her brother enlists his unemotional best friend to keep an eye on her. Alex keeps his word and refused to let anything happen to Josh's sister who, much to Alex's irritation, is the epitome of sunshine- a stark contrast to his no-nonsense, "strike fear into the heart of everyone", personality. The story follows Ava and Alex as they break, mentally and emotionally, as well as breaking some rules... and bones, unearth deeply hidden secrets, fall into each other's beds... and maybe even in love.

I went into this book blind, didn't read the synopsis or any reviews. I was told I should read it, so I did and I am SOOO glad that I did.