A review by lwhite0889
Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Marilyn Kaye


This was an easy, enjoyable early teen read. Set in a modern day middle school, this book follows a 13 year of Queen of Mean, Amanda, as she accidentally inhabits the body of a nobody girl in her grade, Tracey. Amanda learns that Tracey (and several other kids at her school) have special powers that make them Gifted.

The story itself spends more time developing the inner selves of the characters than any true world building. At the end of the book we don't know anything about why these students have gifts, or who in the adult world might be aware of them. Our "villain" for this book is a student teacher who wants lottery tickets. So, clearly the focus is on watching Amanda discover hard truths avout herself and learn how to see past superficial differences and appreciate the uniqueness of her peers.

I enjoyed the fact that this book about gifted teens wasn't post apocalyptic or dark. It was a nice change from the doom and gloom of other supernatural YA novels. And, bonus, no insta love to be found! The characters felt genuine and multidimensional, which was a nice bonus. Overall, no real complaints. (But I also wasn't blown away or anything)