A review by allorah
Heart of the Druid Laird by Barbara Longley


Synopsis: After being under a faerie curse of immortality for over 1600 years, Druid Laird Dermot McKay’s only wish is to die and join those that have long left him….that is, until he meets Sydney St. George. Sydney is the key to breaking the curse and thawing Dermots’ cold heart. Sydney is the vessel for a soul that is the reincarnation of Dermot’s murdered wife from the 5th century. To break the curse, Dermot must return his wife’s soul (Sydney) to the scene of the crime on the anniversary of its occurance. The catch is that once the curse is broken time will catch up with the Druid Laird and he will die instantly and be nothing more than dust. Now that they have found their soul mate in each other, can Sydney and Dermot reverse the inevitable outcome of breaking the curse of immortality and live happily ever after?

Blender Review: Heart of the Druid Laird is a fantastical romance set in both the historic period of the fifth century and modern day twenty-first century. It covers the span of the Celtic legends of the Fae and narrates one couple’s journey whose love has been able to transcend the span of time and space.

The vocabulary and structure of the book are both easy to follow and well representative of the developed characters.The author does a good job of character development although the main characters seem to follow the typical romance genre archetypes. The leading man is a foreigner who is one hundred percent masculine and his closest alley is the wise acre who just can’t help pushing buttons wherever he goes. The push-pull dynamic between the female and male lead characters is completely engrossing. The book has a rich romantic main plot with another minor, although entertaining, plot.

Heart of the Druid Laird also contains graphic sex scenes and violence. This novel should only be read my mature readers due to its explicit content.

All together this is a great romance novel and touching love story and should be read by all who enjoy the genre.