A review by currant7
Kiss Me Tonight by Emma Hart


Disclosure: All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars


A missent text message started it all → a very irresponsible thing to do, but it is how readers should take this book - recklessly easy-going.

Reagan is a florist with a sassy personality. When an inappropriate message came her way, she took it as a joke and replied with point-blank courtesy. All is fine and good in Reagan's life until her apartment burnt down, and coincidentally, Noah was the fireman who helped her out of the burning building. Talk about hero complex!

This story is from a first-person, dual POV, Noah and Reagan's. There were a lot of coincidences that one can just say this is unrealistic and "too-good-to-be-true." Granted this, I enjoyed a few things about it.

One of my favorite parts of the story is when Reagan talks about "number neighbor" since the correct recipient to the text can be an honest typo. I laughed my head off of this since Reagan was serious in funny moments. She did not see the "pun" in what she said, but Noah is the normal one - carrying along with her. The banter that came after that was hilarious. That's what I love with this series - never a dull moment. Just when readers think we get some seriousness, the author brings us back to the rom-com category.
"I was the most confident of the three of us, yet here I was. Texting a guy who'd accidentally wrong-numbered me. It could be worst. I could be texting nobody."
--Kiss Me Tonight, Emma Hart

My second favorite is Reagan's relationship with her galpals, Halley and Ava. It's endearing and strong as childhood friendships come. They are the best support system and soundboard for her as she sorts out the possibility of a relationship with Noah because this is all very new for her. Other people seem to think she is nuts in engaging with the mystery "perv" texter. I was glad that she did not deter it from meeting her perfect guy, who just made a spur-of-the-moment lousy choice at the time.

My absolute favorite is Aunt Bethel. She is one of the book's memorable supporting characters, aside from Reagan's best friends - Halley and Ava, that I enjoyed. Aunt Bethel's sassy personality and eccentric clothing choices make me look forward to each of the scenes that come. She has a mischievous streak that would match the rebellious young generation. She loves fiercely yet has the fun-loving side that makes her a memorable and most talked/scolded character. Her sharp tongue is what gets me cracking and sparks so much reaction in the Wrights home.

In summary, Kiss Me Tonight is for readers who want to keep smirking and chuckling with the antics of two hot, adorable and hilarious protagonists and with "crazy people" around them. The plot and theme are a simple one - an escapism book with a cute ending based on how Noah and Reagan met in the first place. The writing is easy to read and currently injected with pop culture references. Sometimes, honest (drunken) mistakes turn out into "meant-to-be meetings," and if given a chance, something "more" can blossom from there.

Footnote: Do I believe this storyline happening in real life - to find a "soulmate, fated" partner like what Noah and Reagan have? Not really. It is a creepy way to meet someone, and it is rare for a woman to act what Reagan did. Although it's not a realistic enough book, it could happen (or even happened already) somewhere else in the world. I will be the positive reviewer, given the times and what readers want to pursue.