A review by amyrohn
Do You Dream of Terra-Two? by Temi Oh


Check out my full review here: https://amysbookreviews.com/2020/12/24/do-you-dream-of-terra-two-by-temi-oh-review/

Can you imagine if we discovered an Earth-like planet in another galaxy that might be habitable? Now imagine if we had the technology to actually try to send people there. This is the idea brought to life in Temi Oh's sci-fi debut, Do You Dream of Terra-Two? In this version of Earth, the moon landing is old news. Humans have made it to Mars, and even to one of Saturn's moons; now it's time to look even further. The journey to Terra-Two has a 23 year timetable, so a group of teens (called the Beta) are selected for the mission after years of vigorous training, along with a group of veteran astronauts who provide leadership and guidance. But while the prospect of exploring a new planet remains the #1 goal, Do You Dream of Terra-Two proves it's more about the relationships we cultivate along the journey.

If epic sci-fi is your jam, then this book might not be totally up your alley, though if you are looking to broaden your sci-fi horizons, I would definitely recommend this. Do You Dream of Terra-Two does a lot of great character work and explorations into grief and humanity. Even if you're not a huge sci-fi fan, I still think you would find this book enjoyable since it's less about SPACE! and more about people.