A review by imme_van_gorp
Psycho by Onley James

Did not finish book.
DNF @38%

I simply don’t think this series is for me, even though I do like the idea behind it.

I mean, aside from everything else, the timeline of this relationship is already truly so bad:
August and Lucas meet and are insanely attracted to each other by chapter one, want to sniff each other’s neck and hump each other’s leg by chapter two, are entirely obsessed by chapter three, and are basically in love by chapter four.
Mind you, we’re working with moderately short chapters here.

Meanwhile, one of them is supposedly a psychopathic killer and the other is aware of that from the very beginning, but apparently this doesn’t seem to play a factor in their relationship. It’s pretty much insane and definitely ridiculous.

There is absolutely zero build-up here and everything happens way too fast for it to not feel inauthentic.

The things that happen are all pretty bizarre and outlandish. I feel like I have to suspend all my rational thinking skills, and I’m just not in the mood for that right now.

Nonetheless, I do have to say that I found August oddly.. endearing.

I also found this book quite funny. The way August’s brothers and Noah made fun of him was humorous, fun and even a little heart-warming. I definitely like the found family thing they’ve got going on.

Also just FYI, it is incredibly clear that these people are not actually psychopaths, and I cannot for the life of me understand why the author keeps insisting that they are. They’re just not.
It’s honestly just annoying when these supposed ‘psychopaths’ obviously experience a certain type of emotion, but then the author has them thinking something akin to “but obviously I can’t feel that emotion” and goes on to explain how it’s actually a different type of feeling they are experiencing, which, in truth, is basically the exact same thing as the first emotion. Like, huhhh???!?!
I was so confused every time she did that, and I was honestly contemplating whether she just thought we as readers were indifferent enough for her to get away with it not making any sense or if maybe she doesn’t understand it herself… Either way, I didn’t like it.

All in all, I just found this to be kinda unrealistic, stupid, boring, unfeeling and stand-offish.

Not even a possessive and obsessed “so-called psycho” can save this one for me. Sorry.

PS. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Noah and Adam’s cameos. I remember not liking their book all that much either (for basically the same reasons why I didn’t like this one), but they were very cute as a couple here.