A review by apechild
From Russia With Love by Ian Fleming


2008 bookcrossing review

I've seen the film a few times so I already knew the plot to this book. It was a bit of fun escapism, nothing exactly heavy going! Fun to see aspects of the time it was written - such as Bond quite happily going through airport security with a gun in his hand luggage.

I think this best bit about this book was the character Kerim Bey - this larger than life Turk who is head of the Turkish branch. A kind of mad Brian Blessed-esque Turk.

There was a bit of a twee bit in the train at the end when the assasin had to sit and talk through the cunning plan with Bond to show off how clever they all were, but other than that it was just a fun easy read.

The ending was good too, and would be a bit of a cliffhanger if we didn't already know that there are more books after this one.