A review by sycokittykat
Of Sand & Silk by Claire Butler


Becoming king and knowing death watches

Henri killed the king and took his beard which now makes him king of a foreign land he has never been to. 

Coming into this land of sand and heat is a shock to the system. Learning how the land is rules and how new kings are chosen is an even bugger shock. Knowing that in just a few months anyone that could take the crown is able to battle you to the death is an unwelcome idea.

Knowing that he must get the other kings on his side Henri sets up a festival so he can try and appeal to them. However, nothing goes as planned.

Between the murder attempts, brewing sexual tension and political planning everything is very tense. 

There is another player in the game that we don't yet know how they fit into the puzzle. What are the secrets we have had teased? I'm hooked and need to know more.