A review by general_arse_biscuits
Jade Legacy by Fonda Lee


Time to give my thoughts on not only this final book in the series, but the Green Bone saga as a whole.

With the context of having finished the series, it’s interesting to look back on everything that’s happened and conclude that this a series where the characters are constantly locked in a cycle of fucking around & finding out. Again and again, they make decisions that seem practical (sometimes even ideal) in the moment, but the ramifications almost always come back later to bite them in the ass and further drive ongoing conflicts. This ties in with some of the sagas pervasive themes, such as being forced to take responsibility for your actions and reckon with the ramifications that follow, especially in positions of leadership.

This final book in the series was undoubtedly my favorite. The writing was extremely well done and the world felt so alive and real that I’m not fully convinced it doesn’t exist out there somewhere. There are still some sections that lean hard into exposition, but by this point I was used to it and less fazed. The ending sat weird with me for a bit after completion, but when I thought harder about the saga’s themes and what the characters were striving for in the future after the final pages, I realized that any other ending wouldn’t have carried out those messages as well as the one we got.

The series as a whole was fantastic, but not perfect. And that’s a good summarization of the leading Kaul family as well. Not perfect people, but they try their best and are constantly learning, growing, and striving for better for those that follow them.

In the end, I can confidently recommend this series to anyone looking to be fully engaged in a work of fiction. The first book is still, in my opinion, the weakest entry (though not at all a bad book), and every following entry grows stronger. Really enjoyed this one!