A review by herrolisa
A Perfect Proposal by Katie Fforde


I think the reason why I didn't particularly enjoy this book is because it was so predictable and the main character was so spineless and a little annoying. She basically spends the entire book letting people walk all over her and acting as though she is a simple girl. (A simple girl who seems pretty obsessed with money)

Another problem is that the love interest is unlikeable and douche-y, whose only redeemable quality (if you can call it that) is that he's rich. The final problem with this entire thing it that the title gives up what's going to happen… the douche-bag rich guy is going to propose to the spineless uneducated poor girl. Color me shocked.

On a complete side note, I know that the author was trying to make the main character sound like she was über creative and whatnot, but every time she described what she was wearing I imagined just the worst most terrible outfits with feathers poking out and loose hems tied together. Not a good look.