A review by eantoinette285
Stella's Emancipation by R. K. Ryde


It can't end there! I need book three right now!!

This book began with heartbreak and ended with me on the edge of my seat.

For being together just a few short months, Conrad and Stella sure have had their fair share of obstacles. Holy Moses. There's always something going on and a lot of back and forth. Both with the couple as well as Stella's battle with herself.

I adore these two even more now that I've completed book two, but man, did they drive me crazy. I wanted to lock them in a room on numerous occasions so that they could talk things out and avoid half of the issues they wound up having.

There's so much up in the air right now! I need book three asap so that I can get answers to all my questions and let out the breath I'm holding in the mean time!