A review by itskeerstin
The Mighty Storm by Samantha Towle


I knew it was a risk reading a romance book written in 2012. This book shows its age. I hate to leave such a low rating but this book is so unbelievably cringey. The first 75 pages or so are alright. The premise is nice. A lovely Mary-Sue situation of a girl whose childhood best friend is now a famous rockstar and he remembers her. He has 12 years to “catch up on” and takes her on all these cute dates to make up for her 12 birthdays he missed, and it’s all so thoughtful and sweet. Every time she walks in a room and meets new people, the author has every new character comment on how beautiful/hot she is. The gay P.A. ALWAYS calls her by a pet name, ad nauseum.

She goes on tour with him to be the author of his biography and almost immediately cheats on her boyfriend with rockstar Jake. I don’t even care about the cheating. The second they start sleeping together, Jake turns into a possessive, melodramatic asshole. Not even in an alpha-hole way. Just in a childish, petulant way. He is bipolar like crazy. He constantly “roars” at her in fights, and then grovels in the next scene. Over and over and over again. Every chapter is a new reason he is “roaring” at her in a fight, and then him groveling.

He gets back on drugs and she leaves him when she finds him in bed with some girl, and then he roars at her fifty more times while groveling for her to take him back.

The end? When he sings her a song at the last concert she’s covering “for the book”, and she DRAMATICALLY runs to him after the song and they swap platitudes non stop? Good lord.

This feels SO 2010-2012, in all the worst ways. All of the fights are unnecessarily dramatic, and almost the exact same verbiage. They are almost as childish as “I know you are, but what am I?” Our heroine “lets out the breath she didn’t know she was holding” like 8 times during this book.

I saw reviews saying this book has unnecessary drama and I can’t agree more. I’ve read great romance books with drama and anguish and 2 characters healthily working through heavy things, and this was none of those things. This feels like Twilight level bipolar abuse. The appeal in 2012 of the AMAZING ROCKSTAR just obsessed with the heroine and fighting with her and FOR her and “I can’t live a life that doesn’t have you in it” is obvious. It’s just… ugh. I don’t know why I requested my library pick up a license for this ebook/audio book, and it must have been YEARS ago, so I kind of felt guilty and that I had to read it… but this does not work for me in 2022. Lol.