A review by booksny
Watertight Marketing: Delivering Long-Term Sales Results by Bryony Thomas


Reviewed for a free copy

 There are many great books on how to build a business. However, the work isn’t finished once you get that done, which is where Watertight Marketing by Bryony Thomas comes in. Through an entertaining analogy involving buckets and funnels, taps and leaks, Bryony Thomas shows you how to not just keep your business surviving, but thriving; how to not just get customers, but to keep customers as well. The first few chapters cover critical aspects of an effective marketing strategy which companies may often overlook, while later chapters provide helpful, concrete suggestions on how to deal with those oversights. Sprinkled throughout are informational graphics and interactive mini-exercises which will keep readers’ minds entertained and engaged. At the end of each chapter a summary of the key points, as well as recommendations for further readings, are given. Simply put, Thomas knows her material well, and has produced a book which will ensure that readers will thoroughly learn it too.

Watertight Marketing truly impressed me as one of the better marketing guides I’ve read. As I delved deeper into the book, I began to look at my surroundings through fresh eyes; it was surprising to realize how many subtle marketing messages I’m exposed to on a daily basis. It was intriguing to see the intricacy of the strategies needed to build successful marketing messages. Thomas is pretty good at explaining complex concepts in layman’s terms and making even the most technical bits sound interesting. Her fun and informal tone leaves readers feeling positive and motivated to try out the marketing strategies suggested. Watertight Marketing would teach lessons that stick to a marketing class, would liven up the marketing plans of inexperienced companies, and would make a fun read for anybody interested in learning more about the tricky aspects of this particular field of study.