A review by katkejt
Reckless Hearts by Jax Calder


Seb • Marcus…(!!!)


“But sometimes life surprises you beyond anything you could ever imagine.”


I don’t even know why I act surprised because the first installment in the Rainbow Redemption series obliterated me. I think the reason is that I haven’t read a book quite like this in a long time. This book represents the epitome of “vintage” angst. In its finest form. I felt like I was back to day one when I started my reading journey and it felt so greatly nostalgic. It reminded me why I continued to read, how reading devoured all my time. I honestly had to gather my heart from the floor after this because it was everything I needed. 

By that I mean, I got beautifully flawed characters, a story so well written I couldn’t hold on, the kiss of all kisses, chemistry of the charts, Seb’s heart and mind, like Marcus had no chance, no chance, two boys who naturally become best friends, care, so much care, the greatest of heartaches, what it really means to be “meant to be”, a journey to self-acceptance and fairy terns. 

So thank you Jax, for the reminder 🖤. 

Third book? Felix and J? Please tell me there will be a third… I can start selling my body parts for it. 


Leona Lewis, Calum Scott - Give A Little Bit 


“Marcus has the power to wipe my mind clean.” // “I’ve never had a kiss like it.” // “The problem is my attraction isn’t just physical anymore.” // “Do the guys know they’re part of a game? // “I can’t help wrapping my arms around him from behind and placing a gentle kiss on the back of his neck.” // “You look after yourself.” // “But I have the sneaky suspicion I’m currently homesick for a person, not a place.” // “It’s rediscovery and revelation.” // “Even knowing the risk, I’m not sure I can resist.” // “It’s like coming home after a long day of pretending to be someone else.” // “It’s too late. I’m already worrying about your heart.” // “You are everything to me, I want to whisper to him.” // “I know you can’t.” // “Yes, I’m prepared to put in the work.” // “A fairy tern” …♾️.


*I reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All thoughts are my own. 
