A review by lauriereadslohf
Dogtripping: 25 Rescues, 11 Volunteers, And 3 RVs On Our Canine Cross-Country Adventure by David Rosenfelt


This is a wee bit gif heavy. I apologize but my brain is too tired to put words on the page and it's dogs and I love dogs, especially goldens. They are such smart, sweet, happy go-lucky creatures.
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But author David Rosenfelt and his wife might have developed a little dog obsession. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Especially when you’re as kind hearted and generous as the Rosenfelt’s. When David’s wife retired, instead of sipping martinis by the pool or spending their time golfing or some other cliché retirement thing, they took up rescuing old and unwanted golden retrievers and a few other mixed breeds that had fallen on hard times. Many husbands fear their wives walking into a mall and blowing the budget, this guy feared his wife’s visits to the shelter. She could never leave without bringing a few more home.
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One day they woke up and a few dogs had turned into, well, a whole heck of a lot of dogs (I think it was 50+ at one point!). But they wouldn’t have it any other way. These people are devoted and I enjoyed reading every moment of their story. This is some of their pack.

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Be warned. If you read this you can’t ever unread it. If you someday end up spending all of your retirement savings on doggie food and vet bills and water for hosing off your poopy shoes, you’ll have to get in line behind me.
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When the couple decides to relocate from California to Maine, they soon realize that it’s not going to be as simple as loading up one vehicle and taking a road trip. Flying was out of the question. At this time they have twenty-five mostly elderly dogs that spend their time sleeping, barking, eating and pooping. Twenty-five! Can you imagine? They end up renting three RV’s and are fortunate to have a crew of crazy adventurous people volunteer to take the trip with them. Yes, these people actually VOLUNTEERED. There really are people out there in the world like this and they give me hope.

Their story is full of the ups and downs of a life filled with dogs. Interspersed within the telling of the epic cross-country trip to Maine, Rosenfeld tells the stories of many of the dogs that have been a part of their lives and, of course, there are moments . . .

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But Rosenfeld has a way with the words and a great wry sense of humor that never allows one to wallow in the grief for very long. I was sad when it ended because it ended. I think I could’ve listened to this book forever.

Very highly recommend. Especially if you’re having one of those days when you fear for humanity.