A review by pickledpotato1021
The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix


Trigger/Content warnings may be considered spoilers about certain themes or plot twists in the story
TW/CW: Depictions of severe OCD, anxiety, PTSD, paranoia, and depression; Violence, blood, and murder; Attempted but failed rape; Masturbation; Glorification of murderers; Terminal illness; Death including death of a loved one; Kidnapping; Grooming

Follow Lynnette as she battles PTSD from an event leaving her a Final Girl, the sole survivor of a mass murder. Now, Lynnette's way of life is being threatened. Was her extreme paranoia justified all along? Issue number one: The plot. It’s the weirdest, most unbelievable sequence of events. Honestly, I kept thinking “that would never happen, ever.” Second issue: The characters. As I was reading I kept thinking “Wow, you need therapy” after characters did the most ridiculous unrealistic things. Most of them were truly insufferable. The most readable character was Fine the fern. My third issue: The writing style. The best way I can explain it is certain events or sentences or paragraphs were edited out, but Hendrix forgot to edit the rest of the page so it’s referencing something we know nothing about. It also jumped all over the place without a break (as in a chapter change, or section/scene break). It was like when my ADHD partner starts talking out of nowhere, and I just give him a confused look, and he says “I said the first half in my head and you have no idea what I’m talking about.” Fourth issue: The end of chapter bits. Most of them provided no sustenance to the book itself and seemed to be there for funsies. I was not having funsies. Also, only chapter 10 was abbreviated as “TFGSG” which just was an odd choice when the other chapters fully spelled out the title. Not a reason to hate a book, but I’m adding it to the list anyway. Number five: The only POC is the first to die. Number six: This is where I can see other people’s points of view and while I may disagree with them I respect them. I believe it’s all about perspective, mine is this: Hendrix depicts ODC, anxiety, PTSD, paranoia, and depression in a dangerous way. The entire book enables unhealthy behavior by allowing the main character to do it and then validate it with the events of the plot. Allowing someone with this level of mental health issues that are clearly going unchecked with a weapon is also dangerous. She has NO muzzle awareness whatsoever let alone concern or regard for human life.