A review by booking_along
Ever the Hunted by Erin Summerill


*Thanks to NetGalley, the publishers and the author for providing me with a free ebook copy of this book in exchange for a free and honest review! *

4.5 epic fantasy stars!!!!

Lets start out with saying this:
This book to me was an interesting mixture of both books from [b:A Court of Thorns and Roses|16096824|A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)|Sarah J. Maas|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1480113012s/16096824.jpg|21905102], [b:Throne of Glass|7896527|Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)|Sarah J. Maas|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1335819760s/7896527.jpg|11138426] and [b:Ruined|26074185|Ruined (Ruined, #1)|Amy Tintera|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1445240167s/26074185.jpg|42794689].
So if that is something that bothers you? That you will see clear resemblances in something you already read? Might not be the perfect book for you!

But if you are someone like me, that enjoys seeing similar plot bases done by different people and making them into their own stories? You will LOVE this!

By the comparison to the three titles mentioned about i mean this:
We have this really kick ass female character that can hunt and take care of herself and does what she has to do to survive. She gets caught and makes a deal to save her own life for something she hunted that she shouldn't have. And THEN the story really starts to get going and the action begins. And of course there is a captain of the guard and a king that kind of makes the deal... So you could say that it really isn't anything new and take that as something negative.

I personally really enjoyed this.

I loved the writing. It was beautifully done, very easy to read but not too easy so that you get bored or that you feel like the author is dumbing it down. It had a nice consistent flow -no sudden unexplainable moments that made you question what you just read, no long boring passages or too much action. It was all very nicely paced and very well done!

I love the main character. Not just because she is a kick ass female lead, but also because she is a generally great main character. She has a great voice, and is wonderful to follow along because she does what she believes is right even if it might get her into trouble and she has no problems with that at all. I love how independent she is but at the same time that she understand that sometimes you need someone in your life to help.
I love that she loves her father! So rare to see in YA!

the other characters were nicely done as well. But i don't have overly much to say about that to be honest. They were good, they were nice at the moments they were in. We had the good guy, the romance interest, the bad guy, the "i am in it to get the truth" guy, the bad guy... all very basic but still nicely done!

The romance was a bit... well i am not the biggest fan of romance in this type of books i actually prefer if it could just be left out for at least a little while because i think that if you have a different plot line -such as this book had with Britta trying to find her fathers murderer!- why do we need a romance?
That being said this book didn't over do it with the romance.
The romance didn't suddenly become the main focus or entire centre of the book. Which was nice to see as well.
It was just kind of there from a certain point on and that is okay.

Now the only real think that i found a bit... lacking -for a lack of a better word- is the "who done it".
I knew who actually did it right away when the character was introduced. I don't know what it was about the moment that person was introduced to the story something in me just when "She/He did it! Do something about it! Why are you not seeing it?"
And then we follow the entire story along and at the end that person did it and it was a bit... anticlimactic? In a sense at least... I had hoped that i might have been wrong and someone else actually did it. But oh well this is not a crime/thriller/mystery book so that can be excused!

But lets sum it up to this!
I LOVED this book!

It was beautiful, it was very nicely done. Its a brilliant fantasy.
And while not the most unique one out there, i personally think it is defiantly worth the read!

Also can i just mentioned here at the end where most likely nobody will even read it?
The cover? BEAUTIFUL! Such a piece of art!