A review by kattheloremistress
Dark Tide by Jennifer Donnelly


The third book in the Waterfire Saga, for me, is probably my favourite. Because having finished it, I can see all of the sub-plots and loose connections are starting to come together, and I'm very much enjoying the direction this series is taking me. It's funny, because while at first I felt that this book was aimed at an audience a little younger than me, and cringed at the made-up mermaid language and cheesy conversation, it seems that Donnelly is toning all that down in exchange for a darker, more interesting story and serious feel. It's a change that I both love and appreciate as it allows me to feel more engrossed in the story!

Mermaids aren't exactly my favourite of all the Mythical creatures. Partly because their watery home is a little terrifying for someone like me who doesn't get along with the water. But mostly because previous TV shows, movies and books that have focused on these creatures in the past have been a little uninspiring. I really adore that Donnelly has chosen to do something a bit different with them here. Not only does it make for a more interesting plot, but also the diversity that I love to read in books! In Rogue Wave I praised the focus on some of the other characters, as Deep Blue really only took Serafina's perspective on things and this caused the characters that she met to seem a little shallow and lack personality. I got to read a little more from Astrid's perspective which was both refreshing (I always love her type of character) and interesting. Ling and Becca also received a lot of the limelight as well as, more interestingly, Lucia! I never expected the POV chapters from her that I received but they added extra depth to the story and her villainous role so were well worth including!

A couple of new romances also sprang up in this book and while I liked their inclusion (why should Sera get all the fun?) I thought they were a little rushed, particularly in Becca's case! The speed at which they progressed, and the little attention that they received made me feel like they were there for the sake of it rather than having a real purpose. I would like to see more of Astrid and her new found Merman though, and I think they could become a really shippable couple, just like Mahdi and Serafina, if they were given some more time to grow. This really was the only flaw I stumbled upon overall though: the plot was magical and never bored me, the characters are really starting to grow individually as well as together, and I WANT to know what happens next. Also, the covers for this series are STUNNING.

4 Stars.

For a full review, see here: http://chasedbymyimagination.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/book-review-dark-tide-jennifer-donnelly.html