A review by michael_benavidez
The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris


Sadly I didn't read this back to back with the Red Dragon, so I can't remember how the writing may have changed/matured. Hell I didn't even look at the publishing dates...just realized I'm on the internet, one moment folks.
Red Dragon- 1981, Silence of the Lambs- 1988. So there was some fair time in between books, and maybe that's why the writing style felt a bit different. Or it could be me, that with the books I had read before hand, were so fast paced and less on detail that with this one taking its time on every bit of detail, it felt long winded.
And really that's the only criticism I have for this. It seems like he throws in the most random details at every moment. I wish I could have some examples, but I read this during two of the busiest and best weeks ever, and couldn't really take notes.
However, other than that, this book is fantastic. It's a slow burn. Everything is a build up to the moments you know that shit is going to hit the fan.
It's a crime book that slowly transforms into a horror story by the end, with these two "people" who are basically soulless monsters being the villains. It's a fantastic read, where I was able to forget about the movie and enjoy it on its own.