A review by justjeanettelee_reads
The Red Dragon by Andrew Lansdown


The last instalment in Lansdown's 'With My Knife' books isn't the best of sequels or finales. There was an endless build to the conflict which consumed only about 40 pages at the very near completion of the book. The endless build up of Colyn befriending the dragonette and the red dragon was cumbersome to read, and his developing hatred and annoyance at Kinzar is unwarranted and petty. I can understand Colyn being mad at Kinzar for killing the first dragonette, but our protagonist should have been able to get over it. The continuous snapping and irritable nature towards the dog was just plain annoying and incomprehensible. What was also unfathomable was the fact that Colyn knows that the dragonettes are agents of the dragons, and the fact it had poisoned his OWN FATHER should have turned him right off from liking them. Yet he continued to treat them like they were God or something. And then there is his relationship to the dragon. Sure, like Wayth and Insay said, it may have had a hold on him and was controlling him, but it's beyond reason that after everything Colyn has seen in regards to the dragons, that he would work so easily to befriend one. On another note, Yasni is annoying as ever, but I guess that can be expected from an 11 year-old-girl. While I enjoyed this book when I was younger because I wasn't ever this critical about books, I now see that the third book is the least entertaining of the series and most definitely not my favourite. It has many flaws and perhaps should have been written differently.

PS: how could Colyn NOT make the connection between the Bible verse he read and the red dragon plus the six foxes; and then Yasni showing up and then the eventual fallout and doom blah blah (then again, he is a rather naive 11-year-old boy).