A review by wahistorian
Enough by Cassidy Hutchinson


This book made me cry numerous times, because of Hutchinson’s youth and inexperience, her earnestness, and the willingness of others—mainly political men—to take advantage of her. I don’t want to psychoanalyze her, but her life story does provide plenty of insight into how an intelligent and self-possessed persons could be sucked into the Trump vortex. Her sense of loyalty and desire to serve worked against her ability to assess the ethics of what she was asked to do, until she saw Trump and the people around actively trying to overturn the will of the voters in the 2020 election, even after it was clear he had lost. Hutchinson describes her slow awakening in detail, a process that culminated in the histrionics, self-aggrandizement, and incitement to violence of the January 6 insurrection. And the aftermath underlined for her how, in Trump world, you’re either in or you’re out, and out can be a very dangerous place to be. I would give this book to any young person considering a career in politics, because Hutchinson’s story is instructive in how to recognize when you’re being used against your own interests. Good for you, Cassie, for sharing some very painful experiences.