A review by hannahdavidson
Fuel the Fire by Krista Ritchie, Becca Ritchie


i am typing this on my phone because i just need to get these thoughts out. this was my second time reading this book and it was a bit hard to get through in the beginning but the THINGS these characters go through in this book was heartbreaking. the second half of the book BROKE ME and it was just so sad. but there were also so many iconic quotes and scenes in this one!!: “i can hear our hearts breaking” “broken souls are mended by…”, the first lake house trip!!! THE FALL OF SVW (YES), “so long as i may be living…”. also when rose and connor move our it really hit me hard which is funny because i didn’t really remember it from the first time that i read it but it brought me to tears because ahhhh it just feels like the end of an era :/
love these characters