A review by nathan_seaward
Priest of Lies by Peter McLean


I did not enjoy this one as much as book 1.
It kind of has that middle book syndrome but I can completely understand why. The scene of the story moves to another bigger city so many new characters and dynamics are introduced and those things take time to set up and as a result it had moments of being quite slow. It does pick up significantly in the final quarter of the book but I did find I have enjoyed the story much more with Tomas Piety managing life in the stink and Ellinburg more than in Dannsburgh. I also struggled a lot more with Tomas in this book. He really is a bit of a dick and considering he is a gang leader who does horrible things then this is not unexpected however he just seemed to have more likeable qualities in book 1 while still being a pretty horrible person. In book 2 he seemed to be more of a hypocritical self loving twat. I really started to dislike him and every time he referred himself as a prince but I guess that is the point of this story and the character. He is not meant to be likeable but considering the whole book is in his POV it can be hard to read at times. Overall I have really enjoyed the story of the first 2 books and will certainly be carrying on with the final 2 books. The world is dark and grim but intriguing and I have found the side characters like Bloody Anne. jochan, Cutter and Billy to be fantastic