A review by rwaringcrane
The End of Education: Redefining the Value of School by Neil Postman


Postman's argument that American public schooling should create an American public made sense and yet seemed strangely novel. As an elementary school teacher (in another life) I felt swamped with meeting benchmarks, maintaining order, teaching the basics, etc -- none of which included fostering a love of country.

Postman, like Ken Robinson, roundly criticizes education for failing students; Postman, for lack of civic minded-ness, a sense of history, and understanding that each person on "space-ship earth" is connected, Robinson for lack of creative cultivation. Indeed, after reading these authors back to back I feel formal education is almost beyond the scope of reform. But it is what we have and somehow, most students that complete grade twelve emerge with tools enough to apply for school loans and college.

Dated, dense writing style. Curmudgeon-toned.