A review by knitswithbeer
Fiona's Flame by Rachael Herron


OK. It's official. I'm a numpty.
I've just finished reading this book; the 5th book of hers that I've read this week. Why?
Her latest, The Darling Songbirds, is just out and downloading it I realised I hadn't read the last one of hers I bought, A Life in Stitches, yet. So of course, I had to do so. Having read that, I re-read Cora's Heart, realising two things at the end; #1: I had merely read the sample of Fiona's Flame at the end of that book, not the whole thing and, #2: Wishes and Stitches (CH#3) had somehow escaped my notice. Worse still, I couldn't access it on Kindle and was planning a trip to Waterstones. Having sourced an e-copy (thank you), I read that too.
Ordinarily I don't take reading or knitting to work as we're always too busy, but this week I've been snatching the odd moment as Rachael's work keeps me wanting to go right through to the end.
Having just finished Fiona's Flame, I've decided it's my favourite - so far. The plot - no spoilers! - is different to her others with one half of the love interest already knowing her feelings, at least in part, from the outset. The tale too is quite dark and moving. Hell, why don't I just admit it? Yes. I cried. Several times. I also laughed, got angry and enjoyed myself. There are of course lots of the signature RH pieces; knitting, Eliza references, sex.
OK. I'm not a prude but ordinarily I don't enjoy reading about sex. Somehow you get caught up in her characters that the sex never seems out of place nor gratuitous, so never makes me feel uncomfortable.
There is always a mixed feeling of joy and sadness at the end of her stories. Often, right at the end and Fiona's Flame is no different. Joy; The story, the characters, the romance. The Happy Ending. Sadness; That the book is over.
I thoroughly and wholeheartedly recommend this book. Not just to Cypress Hollow fans, knitters or even romance readers. To everyone who enjoys a good read because that's definitely what this book was. No, a Great read.
Now I'm off to another Beer Festival to indulge in three of my favourite things; great ale, knitting and a Rachael Herron story (The Darling Songbirds).
On a final note to Amazon and HGA Publishing. What gives? Why put links to other books by the author at the back of the book that don't work? If it's not available in kindle format or, worse still, takes me to the same title but by two other authors, why bother? Bad form. Take note and sort it out.