A review by i_b_anoud
Moby-Dick: Or, the Whale by Herman Melville


This was epic!
It's true. It's the story about the crazy ship captain Ahab going around oceans searching for the white whale to kill it for chopping off his foot and driving him crazy. Well, Ahab made Ahab crazy if you asked me, but who cares.
That's the plot. It you read books for the plot and want to read this book, I have bad news for you, I'm afraid.
The story is told by Ishmael, a sailor by hobby who with his roommate Queequeg the pagan who fasts Ramadan _no, I will not forget about that 😒_ go on a whale hunting ship, not knowing the captain had a grudge and intent in his heart and mind for one white whale in particular who was known for its ruthlessness.
This reflective novel will dazzle ye _😜_ by the beautiful prose and depth of thoughts. 
If you're soul searcher, a ponderor by nature, this novel is for you. I mean ye, lol. My sense of humor is wack.