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A review by wingedcreature
Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi


Under The Never Sky was another one of those books that I was scared to read because once again, I didn't want to be that weirdo who didn't like it. Sometimes it feels like that is the story of my life. Once again, I am kicking myself for waiting so long to read it, because I absolutely LOVED Under The Never Sky.

What is really interesting about Under The Never Sky is that it's science-fictiony but also has a dystopic. paranormal-ish vibe to it. Reverie and the Realms and the outside world with the Aether. I will admit that certain things completely went over my, I spent a good chunk of Under The Never Sky wondering what the Aether was. And then I felt stupid for not knowing what it was, because it's in the freaking summary, and my moment of idiocy could have been completely avoided if I had actually bothered to read the summary. much I loved Under The Never Sky, I wanted to know why the Aether was there and why it was so bad, and why some people are living in pods protecting from the Aether and why others are not. Some of the details were really fuzzy for me, but Rossi did it in such a way that I completely and totally believe that we'll learn what is going on. There are some gaps that do need to be filled because the sci-fi seems more magical than scientific. Unlike a lot of books where I've felt like gaps weren't filled in, Rossi really does make it feel like there's this whole world that you're going to learn more about. It's very gradual, and wasn't irritating, but I do have questions that need to be answered.

Under The Never Sky is told by Aria and Perry, who take turns narrating the book. It did take a little bit of time to get into Under The Never Sky, but before I knew it, I couldn't wait to see what happened. They're okay as characters, and it was Roar who really stole the show. I'm hoping I warm up to Aria and Perry as I finish the series.

Final Thoughts: I so loved Under The Never Sky! I can't wait to keep reading and learn more about this really interesting and complex world. Under The Never Sky gets 5 stars.