A review by april_does_feral_sometimes
Hard Time: A V. I. Warshawski Novel by Sara Paretsky


I REALLY wanted to give 'Hard Time' five stars because I BELIEVE! - in Sara Paretsky, in Paretsky's and her character V. I. Warshawski's causes - but the plot is a tad bit pushed into a shape to suit VI 's usual masochistic response to everyone's usual complete lack of faith and belief in her except for for her old neighbor, Contreras. There also is the usual addition of a couple of new characters who support her, but can't be open about it. Ok, ok, it's a winning formula for this series, but since I'm reading the books in order, what I'm really starting to crave is the introduction of a peer or lover who adores, respects and supports Warshawski as much as Contreras, but is the same age as her and HELPS her. I'm also craving that the Chicago establishment give this independent woman the benefit of the doubt on her current case obviously due her because of her past successes.


Warshawski almost hits a body in the street and wrecks her car to avoid running over the poor dying lady. She initially has no thought to investigate or make a single rude remark, but for some reason the police start a campaign of deadly harassment, abuse and wrongful imprisonment. One of the police detectives, Lemour, shows a particularly sadistic bent in hurting Warshawski, which forces her over the wall in clearing herself of whispered suspicions of drug dealing as well as saving her rapidly sinking detective agency because her clients are mailing her letters of dismissal. With legal expenses mounting, and the police planting drugs in her office and beatings coming at her right and left, she makes a desperate decision to search for answers inside a privately run prison/jail instead of bailing out.

Prisons are horrible places. Even VI can't whip up any true spunk while inside. This is a stomach turning, sad read. I even found it difficult to review.