A review by nayabimtiaz
Nothing Left to Lose by Kirsty Moseley


I loved it!!!!!! I've never read a book more than once. Like NEVERR. Like EVERRR! But this book is an exception. I read it 3 times and cried my eye sockets dry Every. Single. Time. And I could read it a couple more times, without getting bored!

I've developed this huge crush on Ashton Taylor! GOD!! He's so fuckin' PERFECT!! Though, I found Anna a bit selfish and had been a COMPLETE bitch sometimes, but I admire her strength and her caring attitude. I also found Carter a really powerful character. The PERFECT, CRUEL villain.

I LOVED the plot and I LOVED the chemistry between Annaton!
I cried my heart out when Dean died. THIS novel is at the TOP of my list!

I sooooooooooo wish Ashton Taylor was a real man instead of just being a fictional character!! Why Why WHYYYYYYYYYY ain't he REALLLLL??!!!!

This book taught me that love founds you even in the most hopeless situations and true love is the second name of sacrifice and selflessness. If this book is EVERR made into a movie, it is going to be a SUPER hit!
Ps, I so want to see who'll be cast as Agent Taylor ;) BUT I also DO NOT want the movie-makers to ruin this master piece!