A review by michael_benavidez
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling


This book will keep the four stars that I first gave it, though I am looking at it with a new respect.
When I first read the book I remember it being slow and interesting. This time around however it seemed to breeze through situation after situation. While not necessarily a bad thing, it really didn't give me time to breathe in between the chain of events. At least not until the chapter breaks.
Everything was fairly simple and straight forward, though Rowling did a hell of a job world building in this first book, while keeping the focus on the plot. She does well to give the characters believable personalities, and sticking to them.
Other than that there really isn't much wrong, except for the breezing through events. Again not a bad thing, but it didn't really leave time to let everything sink in.
Still an addicting read, and a great way to start off the series.