A review by mrsbooknerd
A Walk In The Park by Jill Mansell


Okay. I liked this book and thought that the characters were definitely some of the better Mansell creations, but at the same time I felt a little let down. I felt that the story telling was a bit haphazard, skipping over important events but spending a lot of time and pages on irrevelent people and events. For example, When Lara's faux-father James dies, she cries to Flynn but this only last about half a page, then after that James is only mentioned once or twice! To me, Lara's father and new reltationship with James Agnew was a central plotline and then it just petered out and was forgotten. No funeral, no Lara/Flynn almost get together as he consoles her, nothing! But then Mansell spends two entire chapters describing Enjay buying earrings and champagne, neither of which events had any real bearing on the plot...
The combination of Enjay and Harry was (I think) a comedic narrative but in the end I just got annoyed by the whole thing, it interrupted the main plotline too much and was given precedence over a development of Lara and Flynn as a couple, as it stands they see each other after 18 years apart and both fall madly in love again but do nothing about it until the final chapter... Moreover I felt that the introduction of Evie was important but then she was just kind of 'around' being indecisive and judgmental. Then even when she does end up with Ethan, it isn't described in much detail and they are then forgotten.
I just feel like this could have been a really good read if certain aspects had been fleshed out a bit more and the whole Enjay/Harry thing had been kept to a minimum.