A review by eantoinette285
Captivated by You by Sylvia Day


I've waited over a year for this book, and Sylvia Day does NOT disappoint! I wanted to sleep on my review, but even with a new day, I can't form words for this installment!

Gideon and Eva.. Will this couple ever catch a break? They really do get hit from all angles in this book, but I love how fiercely they hold onto each other to try and get through every obstacle.

Gideon is a dream, as usual. I totally need one of my very own. He's fantastic, despite how shattered he has been throughout his life. Eva is such a good match for him, so I wish people would stop trying to destroy what they're trying to build together. I would personally enjoy some across babies next but who knows!

I can NOT wait for book five, or the television series! Sylvia could honestly write 20 books about Mr. Cross and I'd never tire of him. Now there's an idea!