A review by kotatsu0511
10 Things That Never Happened by Alexis Hall


我只能说开头实在是太难读下去了但是只要逼自己读下去的话就是一本好书,大概是因为有audio book的加成以及我真的很喜欢Alexis Hall的文风,这种带着淡淡的不顾别人死活的毒舌真是英式幽默的精髓,我太喜欢了。Alexis所有书的audio book都绝对是我听过的最棒的…Liverpool accent听着完全不奇怪,反而真的让这本书增色不少。不过看这书的时候有点像surfing,一些关键情节就像浪一样一下子往脸上拍过来,把我吓个半死。The first kiss was so abrupt that almost made me jump up from the seat…And I can almost be certain about the cat——how it reacted to Jonathan was probably a way to show Sam‘s feelings.