A review by patchworkbunny
Lock Every Door by Riley Sager


Lock Every Door is a horror mystery, easy to read and keeps you guessing. Well I say that, I guessed the truth behind the Bartholomew and then spent a while being annoyed that he’d chosen a different path that made no sense, but he was just trying to throw me off the scent!

I felt it laboured the point of Jules being all alone in life a little too much. Her sister went missing when she was young and her parents died, leaving her an orphan with no money or ties. It seems to be suggesting her sister going missing is motive for Jules to care so much, but you would care anyway if people in the same situation as you were going missing, right? The time focused on her past interrupted the pacing a little.

Jules’ sister loved a children’s book that is set in the Bartholomew, the author turns out to still be living there. The book is about a child who gets to go live there and have a wonderful life. I don’t know if the book was meant to be some kind of trap, to draw those on the fringes of life to the building, but then they advertise for house sitters anyway, so I thought all the time spent on the book was a bit odd.

Overall I enjoyed this, the ending was definitely tense and something that is genuinely scary. Well it did waffle on a bit after the real ending, but I would probably read another of his books in the future if I’m in the mood for this kind of thing.