A review by imme_van_gorp
Remember Me by Avril Ashton

Did not finish book.
DNF @18%

This whole book could have been wrapped up without all the drama, and within like a few days, if they’d just done something like:

“Yo, I know you, you want to know how?”
“Yes, of course.”
“We were lovers, but obviously you forgot about me due to your accident, so… you want to reconnect and maybe, possibly try to also get your memory of me back that way?”
“Sure! I constantly felt like something was missing anyway! Now I know it was you!”

Instead we got… the opposite of that.
Bishop did everything in his power to make his own life as miserable as possible.
Eddie obviously recognized him every time they met, yet Bishop is over here whining that he got rejected by Eddie’s amnesia and that if their love had been great enough, he wouldn’t have forgotten?
Like, first of all, that reasoning is obviously utter bullshit, and secondly, HE LITERALLY RECOGNIZES YOU. You just walk away every single time he tries to talk to you and simply don’t give the guy the opportunity to remember you. Ugh.
And even if he didn’t recognize you, why not just let him get to know you again instead of stalking him and wallowing in sadness? Get a grip, dude.
(And yes, I am aware he obviously has mental health issues, so it’s not that easy in general to be happy, but in this particular case he is bringing the bad stuff all on himself)

Anyway, then, to my horror, this random scene happened where Bishop ended up having one of his many mental breaks, and this other dude started singing over the phone to “get him back from the brink”, and I was just like ?????? SINGING???? Really?
So this is where I threw in the towel, because I simply can’t be bothered.
I don’t care if the book gets better later on, because I find the whole thing annoying and I can’t muster up any form of investment for the story or characters. Maybe it’s me, but.. well.

Honestly, I can’t imagine the kind of headache this book would give me if I finished it. It’s so frustrating and so boring. Literally nothing seems to happen, and everything just drags along. There’s so much inner monologue, and so much melodrama, and actually… I think I already have that headache from just the first 18%.